Ep. 141. Matt Krogh, Extreme Oil Campaign Director with environmental advocacy group, “Stand dot Earth” on regional efforts to halt fossil fuel transportation, oil spills and how it’s all connected. And Josephina Mora of the Whatcom 3 on the trial and verdict. The three were arrested when protesting Donald Trump’s 2016 visit to Whatcom County. Click here to listen.
Category: Uncategorized
EP 140 Searches and Civil Rights
Ep. 139. Long-time civil rights defenders, the legal team of Larry Hildes and Karen Weill have been defending immigrants, activists, targets of police harassment and others in need, often with little or no compensation. They discuss the DACA decision, the Facebook Bellingham NODAPL search warrant, and an FBI investigation targeting local environmental activists.
Junga Subedar and Michelle Vendiola, representing Community to Community, Red Line Salish Sea and the Whatcom Civil Rights Project lead the show with a response to the decision to grant a search warrant to the Facebook page and the implications for our civil rights.
EP 139 NAMI Whatcom County
Ep. 139. Marie Marchand and Laurie Maxwell, of National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) Whatcom County.
A deep, far-ranging dialog on the challenges, culture, funding and future of mental health. from a personal and advocacy perspective. Powerful show!
EP 138 DACA Decision – NODAPL FB Warrant
Ep. 138. Special Guests. DACA recipient Jose-Manuel Carillo and Rosalinda Guillen, direct from WA AG Bob Ferguson’s press statement in Seattle. They talk about why DACA is important, and how the advocacy on the left might be getting it wrong.
In a groundbreaking case,Whatcom Superior Court’s Judge Snyder has granted permission for WA State to access users and information from the Bellingham Redline Salish Sea Facebook profile. More than 1,650 people like the page. More than 1,700 follow it
Attorney Mike Broadsky defended the Facebook page against the warrant. He talks about the case, why the warrant went forward and what happens next.
EP 137 Darrell Hillaire – State of the Salmon
Ep. 137. Darrell Hillaire from Children of the Setting Sun talks about Lummi Nation’s salmon state of emergency. Rosalinda Guillen on Cuban detainee hunger strike at the Tacoma Detention Center and Satpal Sidhu on the upcoming Arch of Healing and Reconciliation ceremony.
Extended interview with Community to Community’s Rosalinda Guillen: NWDC Cuban detainee hunger strike, an update on the workers fired from Sarbanand Farms andfactory farming and factory fishing in light of the Atlantic salmon crisis.
EP. 136 Mayor Kelli Linville on Homelessnes, Hate and Pickett
Ep. 136. Extended Edition: Conversation with Mayor Kelli Linville on the name of the Pickett Bridge, recent Bellingham hate crimes, Camp Zapata and workers fired from Sarbanand, homelessness and more.
Links from the show: Whatcom Homeless Service Center‘s Homeless Outreach Team: (360) 312-3717
Mayor Kelli Linville
EP. 134 Orange Sky

Whatcom and Bellingham primary results and why, continued state budget woes, BC fires and Whatcom skies.
EP. 130 WA Legislature Budget Woes
Ep. 130 WA Leg Budget Woes – Hanging in the Balance. As Washington State veers toward a shut-down, we look why, what implications exist for us, and rant a bit about the whole thing.
EP. 129 Bellingham Town Hall
Ep. 129. Housing Crisis! Bellingham Town Hall highlights, sound bites and review of the Bellingham City Council’s Town Hall on our city’s housing issues with Guest Malora Christensen, Associate Director of Housing at Catholic Community Services
EP. 128 Satpal Sidhu
Ep. 128: Councilman Satpal Sidhu on environment, partisan politics and the future of Whatcom County.
Also, Edgar Frans and Junga Subedar on systemic racism and the Paris Climate Agreement – an interview with Citizen Journalist Liz Darrow.